Monday, July 31, 2017

Just Another Word in the Dictionary - Yegg

Yegg n. a criminal; specifically, a burglar or a safecracker

Someone who breaches
the public's trust:

It's become increasingly difficult
to tell
who's the yegg around here
as there are
so many

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Just Another Word in the Dictionary - Xenophobia

Xenophobia n. dread of foreigners or strangers

dread of those
who challenge
your convictions:

Nothing brings out xenophobia
like an election cycle

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Just Another Word in the Dictionary - Walleye

Walleye n. a large, staring eye

an eye on a wall;
Big Brother:

Walleye is
is judging
your every
and action
and condemning you,
and Walleye is everyone
and that is
the world we live in,
where we now lack
all prudence
and perspective
and generally,
the basics
of good social
(and yet still have the gall,
to complain about this
in others)

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Just Another Word in the Dictionary - Valiant

Valiant adj. brave; courageous; stouthearted


They were known
for their valiant stand
against their enemies

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Just Another Word in the Dictionary - Uncivil

Uncivil adj. rude; impolite


The divisions
of the country,
and the manner
or lack thereof
between them,
marked an uncivil war

Monday, July 24, 2017

Just Another Word in the Dictionary - Temperance

Temperance n. moderation in respect to the appetite or passions

the state of always
losing one's temper,
having no perspective
about anything:

They loved to preach
as it was incredibly
for them

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Just Another Word in the Dictionary - Salmagundi

Salmagundi n. any medley or potpourri 

The current
state of the union,
which is to say,
state of disunion:

does not really begin
to express
current affairs,
and so we call it

Friday, July 21, 2017

Just Another Word in the Dictionary - Recycle

Recycle v.t. to use repeatedly for different purposes

to repeat an approach
over and over
and over
and over
and over again,
mindless of its
decreased potency,
believing that it is
gaining momentum,
which in this era
is probably true:

The attempt to
the campaign
proved increasingly

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Just Another Word in the Dictionary - Quarantine

Quarantine n. the time during which a vessel suspected of carrying infectious disease is kept isolated from contact with shore

the spread
of malicious thought
as quickly
and as wildly
as possible:

The news media
has been under
for months,
and it's driving me

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Just Another Word in the Dictionary - Panacea

Panacea n. something claimed as a universal remedy or medicine

a false monopoly
on truth:

The stories
of fake news
from their enemies
really started
to seem
with their
sounding like

Monday, July 17, 2017

Just Another Word in the Dictionary - Overkill

Overkill n. the capacity of a nuclear weapon stockpile to kill many times the total of an enemy population

the nuclear option:

The effect of their reaction
was overkill

Friday, July 14, 2017

Just Another Word in the Dictionary - Nuisance

Nuisance n. anything offensive, injurious, vexatious, or annoying

anything capable
of inconveniently
stealing thunder:

That guy who
rewrote the narrative
we were trying to sell
is a real nuisance